
Showing posts from October, 2019

Te Kōrero o Mua o Aotearoa / The History of New Zealand

Follow our journey into the past where we 'speak of days gone by of New Zealand' - 'Kōrero o Ngā Rā o Mua o Aotearoa.' This learning has been inspired by 'Tuia 250' - the nationwide commemoration of the 250 year anniversary of James Cook's arrival, forever changing the landscape of our home. The children have been adding to the classroom TIMELINE and SLIDESHOW  (click on link to see slideshow) as we progress in our knowledge of Aotearoa from 1,000 years ago to present day...

Great Maths Thinking!

"Can we play Noggle at Maths time today, Miss Swanston?" "Yes, Nate, Bhakthi and Lucas, you sure can!"   Kids, you blow my mind with this amazing maths thinking!! Your NEXT challenge is to PROVE to a buddy that your number sentences are correct. Do you think you can?! :)

Writing at Carlton

Shipwreck!! "Oh no you don't, Stella! Quit stealing my treasure!! You don't stand a chance because I'm as fast as The Flash!" screamed Drake. Who knew 'writing' could be so much fun?! Carlton kids do! :) Creating a fun, shared experience so we can practice becoming great authors of 'RECOUNT WRITING' *If you want to learn more about this process, click on this   LINK . There you can track the learning journey as we develop our ability to articulate ourselves effectively through oral and written language.

Term 4 Swimming

We are learning water survival skills. The children have been learning how to skull with their arms. They are learning they need to be efficient with their movements so they don't become too exhausted to keep going if they were ever to find themselves in deep water.  "If I paddle too fast I'll get too tired to keep going! We have to stay calm and try not to use up too much energy," said Bhakthi. By playing games like 'horse racing' and 'tag' while sitting on their flutter boards, the children are getting valuable learning and opportunity to practice while having FUN! :)

Using our CORE BEHAVIOURS to do Problem Solving Maths

"How could we figure this out?!..." "What about if we put money into 5 groups of $42 and then count how much that adds up too?"  "Lets try that..." Could YOU work this out?... *I bought some furniture. There was a lamp that cost $42, a mat cost half the price of the lamp and a table that cost 5 times as much as the lamp. How much did each item cost and how much did I spend altogether? Yes we can! :)  -by working together, thinking flexibly and creatively, and persisting :)