Our Big Day Out

On Tuesday, 21st May, He Puna Kōtuitui and our friends in He Puna Auaha went to visit the Sarjeant Art Gallery and the Whanganui Museum.

At the art gallery, we learnt about the artist Kate Fitzharris and we looked around her exhibition at the i-SITE.  In February 2018, Kate Fitzharris came to Whanganui from outside of Dunedin to allow herself time to concentrate on producing new pieces of art. She asked the Whanganui community to share ceramic objects with her that were important and had stories attached to them. She then used these as ideas for a year long journey into creating pieces of art.

After learning about Kate Fitzharris, we went to the art room in the Sarjeant Art Gallery and created our own clay creatures inspired by her. We got our hands dirty creating our creatures but had lots of fun doing it. We also had to be careful not to trap air in our clay creature because if there is air in it then it could explode in the kiln.

When we went to the museum, we were given cards with picture clues on them and we had to hunt around the museum to find out what the clues were. The museum had lots of exciting displays. We saw taxidermy animals and birds, fossiles, a whale skeleton, old classroom,  insects, a big dolls house and the list goes on. We even got to try on olden day dress ups. After we had found all the clues, Lisa read us a story about how the kiwi lost its wings. We enjoyed joining in with the actions and words in the story.

We can’t wait until next time we get to visit the Whanganui Museum and the Sarjeant Art Gallery!

Here are some photos from out trip- for more please go to the photo folder on our class website :)


  1. alex loves lized

  2. it was so fun that i allmost died

  3. That Was Amazing Exploring.

  4. we have been out on a
    school trip on 2019

  5. we went to the museum to look at everything wow.

  6. I gess wow not really boo


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