'Passing Water'...

On Wednesday, the children competed in a team challenge. They had to pass water over their heads to their team mate in order to get as much water from one bucket to the other as they can. 

Check out the mayhem!...

It might not look much like 'learning', but the children are learning all sorts of things! Such as SOCIAL LEARNING - e.g., Can I get on with my peers, especially when under pressure to perform? Can I cope with failure? Can I persist with challenges? 
PROBLEM SOLVING - e.g., Can I learn from what strategies are ineffective and adjust my technique in order to be more successful?

As well as 
WRITING - Can I write a fun and engaging RECOUNT about this shared experience that will put a picture in the reader's mind?

Learning was never this much fun when I was at school! said Miss Swanston.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love doing this


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