Fun Story Writing At Home

My Superhero Captain Quack 
My Superhero Captain Quack 
Hi, I'm Captain Quack. My super power is quacking as loud as I can, when I quack evey one dies. I live in a super video game world. Guess what game it is? …    ...Minecraft. When I am a normal duck I’m naked and when I'm a superhero I wear a cape with a “q”. I have a mum who's called mumseye and a dad who's called dadseye.
One day I was doing my normal stuff and next thing I knew a captain koko the evilest duck in the solar system kicked my backside.ouwww! It hurt so badly. When it stopped hurting I got my fish out then slapped him in the face. He started crying. I felt so good so I did 500 more. 
By Devin


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